Návod kodi

27.03.2017 00:37


návod sice polopatický je, ale stejně to není úplně jednoduché.
tady je plugin na instalaci sportu

How to Install Add-On Installer Kodi

1 Open Kodi 
2 Select SYSTEM > File Manager 
3 Select Add Source 
4 Select None 
5 Type the following EXACTLY https://fusion.tvaddons.ag and select Done 
6 Highlight the box underneath Enter a name for this media Source & type fusion 
7 Select OK 
8 Go back to your Home Screen 
9 Select SYSTEM 
10 Select Add-Ons 
11 Select Install from zip file 
12 Select fusion 
13 Select begin-here 
14 Select plugin.program.indigo-x.x.x.zip 
15 Wait for Add-on enabled notification 
16 Indigo is now installed and ready to use 
17 Go back to your Home Screen 
18 Select PROGRAMS 
19 Select Indigo 
20 Select Addon Installer 
21 You will now see all the features that the addon installer offers. These will allow you to easily install add-ons to your Kodi device